Wednesday, June 19, 2013

21st St. above Liberty Still

Today there came a moment
buried within the kaliedoscope of moments
that sent shivers down my spine
 excitement rushing through my heels

Atop 21st st hill, overlooking Liberty still
the wind blew purple plum leaves
on the ground
they blew in circles
moving in rhythm with the air
and all of me was so perfectly
with the wind
and the vibration of my hiking boots upon the concrete

The sky was misty and it was sleepy
a day of inward turning and secret yearning
of pillows and cushions and sweet smiling
where movment is slow
and the world is so much more

And flowers lined my vision,
each one offering its gift of smell
wonder and love
to turn my face upwards towards the sky
so I could drink my fill

and I stole a moment back from man
into nature
when I dove my head into a thicket
and heard three birds trill
a song of sweetness bare and true
and I swooned at the softness
the trueness of their sounds
more real than any story or picture
of these birds perfectly at home
in their warble
their bush
the winds soft caress

And in that moment
I knew that I was found
in the one ness of the breathing of my soul
in tandem with the song of their trill
and the sway of the wind
like a kiss
And I knew that all was well
and would always be

On 21st st. hill above Liberty still

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